About Us
What is Victim's Voices?
What is Victim's Voices?
Victims’ Voices is a victims impact panel service devoted to drunk driving prevention. The program is interactive, bringing a panel of speakers who recount the drunk driving tragedies that have created profound loss. The interaction between the live speaker and real live audience is intense. Victims’ Voices quite simply puts people face to face, directly impacting communities and encouraging people to make life-saving choices.
This service is available to school organizations and to DUI offenders. Offered as an awareness measure for assemblies at middle schools, high schools and college groups, school presentations hold the attention of both small and large groups because the message is personal and real. The warning that drunk driving can injure or kill becomes reality as speakers, one voice at a time, reveal drunk driving’s devastating effects.
Victims’ Voices also offers victims impact panel programs on a regular basis for court ordered DUI offenders as well as the VIP requirement to reinstate driver's licenses as required by Oklahoma state legislation.